Friday, June 3, 2016

7 red flags not to overlook at an open house

7 red flags not to overlook at an open house
When you're on the hunt for a new home, weekends spent touring open houses can quickly veer from fun to
daunting by house No. 3. Keeping track of which home had that great kitchen (but terrible master bath)
versus the home with a terrible backyard but a great floor plan can be tough. And while no house is likely to be perfect, when it comes to your budget, some updates are harder to swallow than others.
1. How old is the roof?
2. Are there issues with the home's foundation?
3. What is the state of the sewer system?
4. Have insurance claims been made on the house?
5. Is there noticeable water damage?
6. How old is the wiring?
7. How old are the windows? #realestate #openhouse

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